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Thursday, March 11

ACF 492: You're Under Arrest: Full Throttle Collection 1 now available on DVD

Here's some info about the latest anime release from Sentai Filmworks and Section23 Films:

The ladies of Bokuto Police Station are back, but there have been some BIG changes! Miyuki's been in the U.S., studying American police techniques while Natsumi's actually been serving in the military! So have these world-changing experiences had any effect on how everyone's favorite girls in blue carry out their duties protecting the Japanese public? Have they gained a more "mature" perspective?

Well, let's just say that, if anything, they may be even wilder and less cautious than before. (Except for that blossoming "relationship" between Miyuki and Nakajima where things are getting decidedly delicate.) Whether rescuing young orphans from yakuza types to confronting rogue wrestlers and even giant snakes, the plots have and action has never been more extreme than in the outrageous first collection of You're Under Arrest: Full Throttle!

Running Time: 300 min.
Age Rating: TV PG (V)
Language: Japanese with English Subtitles
Published by: Sentai Filmworks
Distributed by: Section23 Films
Format: DVD
SRP: $39.98
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