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Wednesday, December 16


Christopher Cozier, Sound System, sound performance

The Caribbean's geopolitical position in relation to the rest of the Americas, Africa and Europe is peculiar, even special. Knowingly, many of these artists are involved in savvy creole disruptions of the dominant racist, misogynist, homophobic, imperialist West (that is, the very world powers which brought them to this painful uniqueness). They engage in identity bricolage not as a means of desperate, hegemonic survival so much as a strategy for successful artistry and worldly self-awareness. Real Art Ways' informed presentation pays due attention and appreciation to this area of the world whose cultural impact has been felt globally, yet vastly under-recognized for decades.

read it all here

Real Art Ways

"Rockstone and Bootheel: Contemporary West Indian Art" is curated by Kristina Newman-Scott and Yona Backer, on view November 14, 1009 - March 14, 2010 at Real Art Ways, 56 Arbor St., Hartford, CT. The 39 participating artists are Akuzuru, Ewan Atkinson, Lawrence Graham-Brown, Renee Cox, Christopher Cozier, Blue Curry, Sonya Clark, Makandal Dada, Annalee Davis, Khalil Deane, Zachary Fabri, Joscelyn Gardner, Marlon Griffith, Satch Hoyt, Christopher Irons, Leasho Johnson, Ras Kassa, Jayson Keeling, O'Neil Lawrence, Christina Leslie, Simone Leigh, Jaime Lee Loy, Dave McKenzie, Wendell McShine, Petrona Morrison, Karyn Olivier, Zak Ove, Ebony G. Patterson, Omari Ra, Peter Dean Rickards, Nadine Robinson, Sheena Rose, Oneika Russell, Heino Schmid, Phillip Thomas, Adele Todd, Nari Ward, Jay Will and Dave Williams.
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