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Sunday, August 2

"Che Lovelace: Paintings 2004 -2008" from the Trinidad and Tobago Artist Series.

Wednesday 12 August 2009 from 6pm.
National Museum, Keate Street, Port of Spain.

Che Lovelace: Paintings 2004 - 2008 focuses on the artist's studio
work over the past four years, highlighting his exploration of the
rich visual and cultural tradition of Trinidad & Tobago's Carnival
and providing a satisfying look at the islands' complexities,
contradictions, and beauty.

Earlier this year the exhibition, Che Lovelace:
Paintings, was held at Half Gallery in New York City.
Reviewed at:

Robert & Christopher Publishers
ISBN 978-976-8223-15-9 TT $210.00
Paperback, 8 x 10.5 in. / 150 pgs. / 75 colour
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