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Sunday, August 23


Joy by Brianna Mccarthy

Patricia Grannum is a blogger, freelance journalist and jewelry designer based in Trinidad and Tobago, West Indies. She interviews Brianna Mccarthy here in her new series of female artist. Her blog is WOMAN OF COLOUR.

Intro: Last week I interviewed Brianna Mccarthy about her lovely illustrations. Read to find out even more about her..

Do you seek to convey a particular message with each piece? Is that a part of your creative process?

It’s about emotion, a feeling, a mood - all in an effort to know and understand who I am and to understand the sum of my experiences and how they have refined what I am. I think all of my work comes out of whatever I may have been feeling at the time; I tend to be a sensitive person; I notice subtle things. Which I think is the case for most people who make things.

read the rest of the interview here... CLICK NOW!

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