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Thursday, March 6

ACF 083: Funky Forest - Manhattan Screening

Funky Forest copyright 2004 "Naisu no Mon" Production Committee. All rights reserved.

Funky Forest: The First Contact starts its limited engagment at The ImaginAsian Theatre in Manhattan tomorrow, March 7th, 2008. See my prior post in ACF 081.

The 150 minute long comedy consists of 21 skits. The Taste of Tea, also by director Katsuhito Ishii and a crowd favorite at the New York Asian Film Festival a few years ago, will begin a concurrent run at this theatre starting on the 7th.The ImaginAsian Theatre is at 239 East 59th Street, between 2nd & 3rd Avenues.

For more information, showtimes, or to order tickets, click here.

After New York, Funky Forest will be making its way to Seattle, then Los Angeles. I'll post updates just before it hits both of those cities.

Funky Forest is presented by VIZ Pictures, which will be putting out a 2-disc DVD of it in April. My screener copy is on its way, and I hope to have a full review up soon. The Taste of Tea is already available on DVD from VIZ. Look for a review of it here in the not too distant future.
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